

New Oxford American Dictionary defines grief as deep sorrow, especially that caused by someone’s death.

It’s hard to know what to do when someone is grieving. It’s difficult in close personal relationships and with colleagues at work.

Perhaps gently offering or providing a resource could help.

Last week someone sent my Mom a book recommendation. And my Mom sent it to me. And we’re reading it.

When someone is hurting there’s no need to pretend to have the answer — none of us have the answers. But caring, listening, being there, and perhaps — at the right time — sharing a resource could help your colleague.

The book I’m reading is “I Wasn’t Ready To Say Goodbye: surviving, coping, and healing after the sudden death of a loved one” by Noel & Blair.

Let’s help one another out. Let’s curate a list of books to offer when the inevitable “I don’t know what to do to help,” feeling arises with colleagues and closer ones.

Please share resources you’d recommend in the comments.

What books or resources would you recommend on grief?

Originally a LinkedIn post.

IntersectionsDawn Zerbs