My favorite things.
One of my favorite sounds is leaves crunching underfoot. I used to love jumping in leaves.
Yesterday was leaves day.
We keep the enormous pile of leaves in the yard for a few days before bagging it. We do this so the kids can enjoy jumping in them.
I love seeing the pure joy my kids emanate when jumping in the leaves. It's heartwarming to observe others' joy.
As leaders, serving others is paramount.
But guess what? Leaders must serve themselves so that they can fully serve others. So...
I decided to jump in the leaves. Just for me. It was fun.
What's an activity you used to love doing for fun that you haven't done in years? Could be 5 or 45 years ago.
And before you give me the rationale for why YOU could never do that favorite thing again, I have one rule.
If your reason involves what others might think it doesn't count. Why? It's not about them. It's about you doing something simple and fun for yourself.
What "favorite thing" from the past could you do today?
The comments will be an original rendition of "My Favorite Things" --
no dog bites or bee stings allowed.
I might jump in the leaves again.
What will you do?
#justforfun #selfcare #smile