I don't care.

Have an 'I don't care about that' list. And don't let yourself slip into caring or worrying or spending time on those things.

Here's a light-hearted example:

This morning I was putting on my socks. Having matching socks is on my I don't care list when I'm at home. Why is it on my I don't care list? Because I don't care. If they match, cool, if they don't, cool. All good. (don't judge)

This morning I spent some energy (in sock-searching terms) to find a matching pair. Then I remembered my list and stopped looking and moved on with my day...unmatching socks underfoot.

My husband commented on my unmatching socks and I shared that oddly I'd spent a moment looking for a matching pair this morning.

"That's what normal people do," said the engineer.

"I'm not normal," I replied.


Where are you 'not normal' and happy about it? What's on your 'I don't care about that' list?

Own it and remember that we all have different things on our lists -- both on the don't care and care side. Different lists are a beautiful thing when we honor and respect others' lists.


Oh, Rick’s response to me was, "Ain't that the truth!"

Originally a LinkedIn post.

IntersectionsDawn Zerbs